Creepy Fangirl
More on Cassandra Goth, if you bothered to read the previous post. She's become kind of a creepy fangirl and hangs around where she can meet her favorite celebrities by accident, or if that doesn't work she finds out where they live and she stalks them, only she doesn't call it that. She calls it "keeping watch", in case something bad should happen. You know, in case her favorite musician should possibly need the Heimlich maneuver she'll be hiding there in a closet, close at hand and ready for action.
Don't even ask about the scary letters and icky things she mails to these poor guys.
She's fairly tame with the SimCity celebrities in the above surveillance photographs. She's merely nibbling on the fingers of one poor unfortunate, tasting the tonsils of the second, and doing a strange little ritualistic dance for the third. Believe me, she can do much much worse. Don't ask what she does with hand puppets, cold oatmeal, and duct tape. Brrrrr!
I believe Edward might be in more danger from Cassandra than her furious parents. Poor guy.