Random Recaps or Something
This cat-measuring exercise was requested by Ms. O'Kitten. Yes, that's a yardstick not a ruler. I also managed to get a tape measure around his gut and the Prince of Whales is 17 inches around. I think there's something there shouldn't be in his Kitten Chow, like maybe some secret government chemical nonsense that was meant for the Defense Department. You know, that stuff they feed the Giant War Animals.
Stop looking at me like that!He also has learned the power of invisibility. He can fade away, much like the Cheshire Cat, but leaving his spots behind instead of a smile. Then he'll fling himself at the back of my knees when I least expect it and I'll lie on the floor with a broken back until the Beast gets hungry. That should be about three hours after he's cleaned out his bowl of Defense Department Kitten Chow.
This entirely random scan is the back seam of the aforementioned Victorian stocking that I completely forgot to show until Mouse asked how it was done. The seam stitch is both colors of yarn purled together so you don't wind up with a bazillion stupid little yarn ends to darn in. The inside has a little ridge but it isn't noticeable. The instructions say to purl together all five colors of the multi-striped ladies' silk stocking but I think that would just make a honkin' big ridge and would get pretty damned tiresome after a couple dozen rows.
This is the last of the Goddamned Snow. At least until Tuesday. I will then be pretending that whatever falls out of the sky is nuclear fallout.