Greetings from the Omnigraphic Blogopticon. On view are vile sticky things dragged from the attic, snarky commentary on the world at large, and all-encompassing ennui. All that and a weird rubbery smell. A horrible time will be had by all.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

My Brain Hurts

Ahhhh! What's he rummaging around in his pockets for? A weapon? A naughty postcard? A potato chip shaped like Abraham Lincoln?

Allegedly a photo of a nice couple in front of a biplane. Let's make whoopee? Oh, let's not, or at least not in the cockpit of a biplane.
No jokes about the word "cockpit."

This is a quite large photo that I'd been calling "Family Day At the Asylum," mostly because the people are a bit dazed and blurry. I just noticed last week that the guy on the right with the mustache is blatantly staring down that woman's blouse.